A New Leaf.

It’s 2014 guys! Is it just me or is anyone else freaked out?
I suppose we all freak out in our own way at the beginning of a new year: OH my God, it came so fast! I can’t believe it’s January! It’s SO COLD! All of which is pretty much a repetition of what was said the previous year, is it not? Sigh.

I didn’t start out in 2014 with anything too exciting. I had a whole lot of extra shifts lined up at work and lo and behold, I got sick. Yes, yes I did and it was awful. Not to be a whiny pants or anything, but it really does upset me when I get sick and ESPECIALLY when I have to miss work because of it! But as I have stated before, there was no way I was going to go into work, IN A NURSING HOME, while coughing and sneezing all over my residents. So far this year – knock on wood – we haven’t had any flu outbreaks! Go us! And a flu outbreak can be prevented by doing very simple things: Hand washing! Wearing gloves! Staying home when sick! Do all of these sound like common sense things to do? I think so. Yet people still need reminding, every. year.

I am back in the swing of things now, thank goodness. In fact, I have an entire 7 days of straight work a head of me! Well, no. 6 actually, as I completed 1 today. As always, I try to pick up as many hours as I can, when I can.

I hope everyone else’s year is going well so far!

A few things before I stop typing:

January 25th is the annual Walk For Memories in Toronto in support of raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s Disease. Check out their website http://www.alzwalk.to/ for more information. Also, follow their hashtag on Twitter with #WalkForMemories

Follow me on Twitter too if you like @apswlife

The Long Haul.

December 1st marked my 3 year anniversary of working as a psw in a facility that I like. In a JOB that I like, with co-workers I like and residents I like. Nay, LOVE. I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it at nauseum because this is my blog and never in my life have I been happier in a career choice. I LOVE IT. I love it despite the fact that sometimes I have to work the 3-11 shift, that on most work days I’m up at 5am, that I have to work holidays, that I’m part time, that my commute can get on my nerves and my residents aren’t always nice to me. How many people are this lucky, this blessed to have a job like this?! To love it despite all it’s negative aspects? Not many, and for that and so many things I am thankful.

Not a bad way to round off 2013.

Alas, I will be working New Years Eve and day. It used to bug me and sometimes still does. I try to go to bed before midnight because sometimes it upsets me to hear people celebrating. I want to be a part of the fun, I want the kiss at midnight. The last time that happened was 3 years ago at Yonge & Bloor subway station and even that was lousy. But it’s ok. Because I am ok with being upset about it sometimes. I’m not embarrassed about my feelings and expressing them no matter how “silly” people may say New Years is. It’s human to want to be a part of something and be involved.

And that’s when I think, you know what? I am involved and a part of something special. I get to spend my New Years Day with some of the nicest people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. People that don’t always have family of their own and have become a part of mine.  I think I may even go into work with a party hat on.

What’s sad is that none of my co-workers would be surprised.

I love my job