No Regrets.

Yesterday marked 6 months of living in Stratford. 6 months of learning a new city, learning new clientèle, learning a new job and adjusting to a totally new life. Oh, it was also Valentine’s Day so a Happy Belated to you & yours!

I have 6 months under my belt of no regrets & I am still so happy about the changes I have made in my life. I have no regrets about quitting my LTC job (Thank you to those who supported me!!). I feel less stressed AND I have 3 days a week of sleeping in! It’s the little things that make it worth it. It’s the little things in life we have to look to for happiness, to get us through the days that sometimes aren’t so easy. I have finally adhered to my father’s very smart way of thinking: Work SMART, NOT hard. We need to give ourselves a break or we’re no use what so ever to those we help.

Today being Family Day (in Canada, not sure what the American’s are doing) I surprisingly have the day off! AND I didn’t call in sick or put in a request. It was GIVEN TO ME – see? LITTLE things. I’m not questioning it. I’m actually really enjoying the snow fall from inside my apartment and not the dashboard of my car. I’ve also got 3 loads of laundry on the go & Netflix at my disposal (at least until the boyfriend comes home) – LITTLE things!

I did work this weekend & on my adventures I have gotten stuck in driveways and I’m fairly certain I ran over a rabbit. I’m still feeling guilt over that even though it was totally the bunny’s fault.  I can’t slam on my breaks on a slick country road in the dark! Goodness.

Give me a break people!